Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Years Greeting: Then and Now

We found a poem written by my great great grandfather, Adoniram Judson Holt, for the year 1922.  After reading it, my teary eyes saw my life flash before them.  It's funny how from the eve of 1922 to eve 2012, we still wish for the same things for our friends and for ourselves.  I hope this finds you well.

Again I am sending my greeting,
To the friends who have brightened my way;
Who along with the years that are fleeting,
Unselfishly have been repeating,
Their kindness, despite my depleting;
Thus sweetly extending my stay.

This world would be dreary and cheerless
Were it not for the friends who abide,
When dangers impending, are fearless,
When sorrows assail, are not tearless,
When needed are present and peerless,
Who have proven both truly and tried.

What a comfort to have a great Brother,
Who while Savior and Kind, is our Friend,
When trials assail, will ever prevail,
When others deride will ever abide,
More constant than even a mother,
Our Advocate unto the end.

So over the year that is ending,
And across the days coming to me,
A heart-throb of love I am sending,
And praying for mercies unending,
God's grace all-sufficient defending
'Till sunset shall smile upon thee.

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